Forts & Locations
Twin Motors Ice Fort
ft: Labatt Wescana Ice Bar
Located along with Fort Whoop-It-Up along the Saskatchewan River at the end of Edwards Ave
See how it's built
Fort Whoop-It-Up
Location: Along the Saskatchewan River
Join us at Fort Whoop-It-Up for King and Queen Trapper and Junior King & Queen Trappers events. Fort Whoop-It-Up is where our competitors show skill and dexterity in events such as tea boiling, bannock baking, fish frying, log saw, pole climb, packing events, axe throw, nail driving and trap setting.
Action at the Fort begins Thursday, Feb. 15th through Saturday, Feb. 17th.
Festival Headquarters (HQ)
Location: The Pas Regional Library
Trappers' Festival main headquarters will be located at.
Here you will find exclusive Trappers' merchandise and a wide range of Trappers' Festival history.
Stop by for a cup of coffee and visit!
Headquarters is open
Wednesday, Feb. 14th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 17th 9 a.m. to 6 pm.
Event Headquarters (HQ)
Location: Wescana Inn Rendevous Room
King, Queen , Junior King & Queen competitors will be competing in their Moose & Goose calling events as well as King & Queen leg wrestling.
Trappers' competition results boards as well as the World Championship Dog Race results will all be found here!